The weather which has ruined many of the outside celebrations in Barga this year*, finally left the city alone for the last evening of the year – clear skies meant that the fireworks could be seen across the whole valley as the Bells of the Duomo rang out to mark the end of 2007 and the start of 2008. Many of the restaurants in Barga Vecchia were closed for the evening leaving people wandering around the city looking for a place to celebrate. Private parties were the rule this evening with a large party at Barga Jazz Club and another at the Hot Club in Piazza Angelio organised by the ever present Lake Angels – the only other place open and doing a good trade, was the restaurant Scacciaguai which was still going strong at 2 am.
*Presepe Vivente cancelled because of rain – Torchlight procession on Motorbikes cancelled because of rain – Second day of Barga Cioccolata cancelled because of rain – Hotair balloons over Barga defeated by the wind
New Years Eve celebrations at the Barga Jazz Club had some sort of YMCA appreciation night going on …. jazz players swinging along to the Village People ? hmmm, we have started off the new year in fine form… please take this video with a pinch of salt and remember that it was recorded at 2 am 🙂
EDIT – 4th January2008 – Unfortunately you can no longer see this video as it has been removed by YouTube as the company which represents Village People – "Can't stop Scorpio" maintain that it was a breach of copyright
Con questo messaggio ti informiamo del fatto che abbiamo rimosso o reso inaccessibile il seguente materiale, a seguito di una segnalazione da parte di Can't Stop Scorpio, che ritiene che questo materiale viola il copyright:
YMCA at Barga Jazz Club:
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