Some commentators have likened Barga Vecchia to a kind of open air theatre with the residents of Barga all having a walk on part. One of the main actors in this play very sadly walked off stage for the final time one year ago today. Carlo Sacco who had an accident in his Ape unfortunately did not bounced back as many of his friends hoped and died shortly after in hospital. Sacco had his own page on barganews for over a decade. He was the face behind the virtual Scotsman He was also the official spokesgnome for the Gnome Liberation Front and his Ferrari Ape was probably the most photographed means of transport in the area.
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Carlo back in 2003 with his Fiat 500 | Carlo – Presepio builder with a difference | Carlo as the Befana | Carlo with his Ferrari Ape
Sacco working on his presepe in Aristos bar in Barga Vecchia – Dec 2008
carlo sacco proudly shows off his presepe in the window of aristodemos bar in Barga Vecchia – Dec 2006
Vroom Vroom,
This is a terrific article. I must have 30 photos of that wee machine scooting about the town and pride of place in my lounge is a painting of the little red devil parked in the piazza. When I visit I stay just under the small square where Carlo lived. The last couple of visits I really missed the Ape dawn chorus that Sacco would treat us to most mornings, lets just say he liked that wee machine fully warmed and revved up before he went anywhere! I never new him I only heard him. He and that truck are as much a part of my Barga memories as the Duomo bells. Well done Barganews
PS that Ape could drown out the Duomo with one flick of Carlos wrist.