re-found their trust in the human race and have
started to inhabit the towns again. Most have decided to settle
in the town of
where they have found a sympathetic population know as BARGHIGIANI
who are not only prepared to tolerate the gnome way of life
but are even prepared to protect it ! A combination of help
from the local council, the Barghigiani, a sympathetic local
press and a willing police force, have all contributed to this
wonderful situation. We are proud to announce the first European
Gnome Sanctuary here in Barga. Come one and all !!! All are
welcome. Life here is protected, no more small garden prisons,
no more torture ( the strimmer is a thing of the past here in
Barga ) What are you waiting for ? You have nothing to lose
but your chains. Gnomes of Europe, let's together build a new
way of life, a new future, a new bright beginning.
MOMENT ! Come on down and join the movement .