2.30 pm The ball is spotted lying under the bumper of
a black car in the Giardino area of Barga Tuscany Italy
2.30 pm A close up of the ball also shows the partial number
plates of the black car. Remember, we are in Italy ...so what
is a German car doing in Italy ? Could it be that it can down
from Holland ??
3.05 pm A local actor, Andrea Gonnella, finds the ball and takes
it in to the local bar
3.11 pm He phones the local police as he already has a hunch
that this really is the missing ball that the newspapers and
TV have been talking about for so long.
4.00 pm As the response to his call from the local police
force does not seem to be that quick, he takes the ball to the
local newspaper offices
5.15 pm The ball now sits on the desk of the editor of the
Giornale di Barga newspaper . An E-mail is sent to Nike and,
as they say, all the rest is history!!
See what they had to say about Andrea's find on the
official Nike site: