- Filippo strides on up the mountain side
- Daniele ( Gino ) looks fit and strong
- time for a short break to get their breath back
- a shepherd at 1500 metres seems unbothered by the
- Milton shows off his muscles at 2000 metres
- This years group photo
- Milton, Roy, Keane ( looking already worse for wear)
and Simone sporting the barganews.com T Shirts
- Backpacks loaded and down to the lake
- a long way down
- what it was all for: the evening cena
- the pace of the evening is beginning to tell ( Nick
on the left )
- the singing starts,
- SALUTE!!!!
- At this point it must be pointed out that the normally
high level of journalism to be found on barganews.com for "technical"
reasons ceased to function. Both photographers, Mario Milanoand
Gino plus the journalist, Keane, for some strange reason stopped
their reporting on the Lago Santo 2000 event. Any suggestions
as to why can be sent to the following E-mail address: alcoholabuse?@barganews.com