- The Sommocolonia Special
- news and stories about this beautiful mountaintop
- image by o'connor
- 15th
July 2000 The worlds press descends on Sommocolonia
- "Buffalo Soldier" Lt. John Fox - WWII Heroism of
African American soldiers overlooked for half century by nation
it served - Now black vets honoured in village in the Comune
of Barga
- By
Frank Viviano barganews Staff Writer
- August 2000 The campaign to
save Sommocolonia is launched
- A commitee has been formed with the aim of raising
money to buy a building in Sommocolonia and convert it into a
shop and bar for the village ( NB there have been no shops in
Sommocolonia for a number of years)
- a suitable building has been found, plans have been
drawn up all that is now need is...................money
the Sommocolonia Committe by E-mailing them here
- sommocolonia@barganews.com
- or exchange views now on line in the barganews.com Forum
- August
14th 2001 - The International Moscardini Meeting
- back to