A breath of fresh sea air in Barga Vecchia

An exhibition of work from an artist new to Barga is causing a good deal of interest.

The artist is Monique Dupong who although originally from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has spent a good deal of time working and showing her work in Sicily.

In fact most of the work in the exhibition has that strong light and tangy salt air of southern europe about it. The sea has been the guiding force behind the work with images, assembled objects and figures all made up from flotsam washed up on the beach.

A light delicate touch and a great sense of subdued colour are joined together with an almost poetic handling of objects to give "life" to these decayed and time worn pieces of wood and stone.

The paintings are then produced from the arranged objects giving them a hyper real quality that makes you look more than twice.

“Durante l’inverno”, dice Monique Dupong “faccio lunghe passeggiate sulle spiagge e raccolgo piccoli oggetti della natura, come legnetti portati a riva dalle onde del mare, alghe o conchiglie che utilizzo per fare delle maquettes ovvero bozzetti, plastici o modellini. Perciò la mia arte è definita maquettes. Non costa molto ma occorre molta fantasia e in giro per l’Europa è raro trovare chi realizzi le stesse opere”. Her site is here

Welcome to Barga Monique. Come on in the waters fine.