Paolo Nutini was briefly interviewed by Mediaset TG5 during one of the breaks on his whistle stop European tour this week. It has to be said that it is not the most incisive or informative interview ever to grace the screens as the interviewer asked nothing about his music, showing more interest in the content of the recent videos but nevertheless, it did make news here in Barga as when asked about what he liked about Italy, Paolo straight faced replied, the weather ….
Sharp eyed readers will note the teeming rain falling outside the window behind Nutini in the video but he then went on to mention, Italian food, Barga and the way of living here.

Hey Paolo, don’t shout it out too much or the secret that all of us living here have known about for some time will be out and before you know it, there will be coach loads of tourists rolling into the city looking for the good life.
Hi there,
Paolo has revealed the secret but nobody understood him….have you read the translation of the journalists?I can’t believe they got it all wrong…never mind…I guess it’s better!!! Barga is a pearl, or better “a diamond in the rough” and so is Paolo ,I have been to many of his concerts all over Europe and here in Florence last week booked already his gig at the Royal Albert Hall in London and hope to see him in Barga again He’s got the greatest talent his songs touch the deepest corners of our souls!!