Not a real gig, just a group of friends sitting round the table and playing some music but maybe we can share some of that music with a larger audience than just those present in Riccardo’s L’Osteria and who were luckily enough to see it live. Emma and the Aristodemo’s were in Barga Vecchia yesterday … well almost. The double bass player Leo Gnesi was not present but the rest of the group were there and in fine form. Italian swing from a different age with the voice of Emma Morton gliding along.
A more or less private affair with the images for this article and sound track coming from a cell phone – not exactly high tec but it does give some idea of the flavour of the evening.
The Barghigiano group, Emma e gli Aristodemos – Emma Morton, Keane, Fabio Guazzelli and Alessandro Rizzardi (without Leo Gnesi) presented an unforgettable evening of music and atmosphere from the 1950s and 60s which held the attention, ears and eyes of listeners of all ages. The singer Emma presented us with all her charm and a voice from another age backed up by her able group of musicians – giornale di barga
All the articles about Emma e gli Aristodemos on barganews can be found here
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