A mass was held this afternoon in Sacro Cuore, Barga, to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the death of the Proposto of the Duomo of Barga, Don Piero Giannini who died after a long illness in May 2007.
Siamo invitati a partecipare alla celebrazione ricordando con affetto e con fede il bene, che attraverso la vita sacerdotale, Mons. Giannini ha svolto nella comunità barghigiana.
La corale del Duomo presterà il suo servizio con i canti liturgici
From the barganews.com archives 2007 – Sad news for Barga this morning with the death after a long illness of the Proposto of the Duomo of Barga, Don Piero Giannini.
His last public appearance in Barga was just three weeks ago where he gave the final blessing at the Processione di Gesu Morto.
As we reported then, it was an emotional evening as the crowd watched a very frail Don Piero being helped onto the Fosso. His amplified voice rang out over the assembled crowds, most of whom knew that this was probably the last time they would see their Proposto performing his duties. – full article here
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