Jazz for Dinner was the opening salvo in this year’s Barga Jazz Festival which previewed this evening with a joint venture between Ristorante Scacciaguai and the Barga Jazz Festival at the VillaMoorings Hotel.
Three Lower Colours – Marco Tamburini on trumpet, Stefano Onorati on pianoforte and Stefano Paolini on drums.
L’evento “jazz for dinner”, organizzato in collaborazione con Villa Moorings Hotel, Ristorante Scacciaguai e BargaJazzClub, si terrà nel giardino di Villa Moorings a Barga e prevede la creazione “estemporanea” di una miscela fatta di musica, cibo, luoghi, vini di qualità. Formula che verrà riproposta nei giorni del Festival grazie alla sinergia positiva che finalmente si sta creando tra il Festival, gli enti promotori, e gli operatori economici.
Three Lower Colours ovvero il rosso, l’arancione e il giallo. I tre colori di bassa frequenza che, fin dall’antico Egitto, nella cromoterapia assumono il significato di naturale equilibrio. Leader del gruppo è Marco Tamburini, trombettista e compositore versatile ed eclettico, capace di spaziare con disinvoltura dal jazz alla classica al pop. Al suo fianco, l’affiatata coppia ritmica formata dal pianista Stefano Onorati e dal batterista Stefano Paolini.
Il trio ha al suo attivo l’album “First Take” (Caligola Records 2011); una raccolta di brani realizzati dal trio per la colonna sonora del film muto di Fred Niblo Sangue e Arena ed ha appena presentato il suo nuovo progetto discografico “Contemporaneo Immaginario”, che vede la compartecipazione del trio elettro-acustico Three Lower Colors e del Vertere String quartet pubblicato da Note Sonanti (distribuzione Egea) e presentato a Umbria Jazz il 13 luglio 2011.
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Ristorante Scacciaguai – VillaMoorings Hotel – Barga Jazz Festival presentano: jazz for dinner… con: Three Lower Colours – Marco Tamburini – tromba | Stefano Onorati – pianoforte | Stefano Paolini – batteria
L’evento sarà anche l’occasione per presentare il programma del BargaJazz Festival 2011 che si terrà dal 19 al 27 Agosto e che vedrà la partecipazione tra gli altri di Gabriele Mirabassi, Quintorigo, Barbara Casini, Michela Lombard,Fantomatik Orchestra e naturalmente della BargaJazz Orchestra diretta da Bruno Tommaso.
Alessandro Rizzardi presenting the Three Lower Colours in the Villa Moorings this evening
What is Chromotherapy
Chromotherapy or Color Therapy is the science that uses the colors to modify or to keep the vibrations of the body in a frequency that results in health, welfare and harmony.
Both humans and nature need the light of the sun to live. In this process, man and nature receive the solar light which is broken up into seven main rays, and then distributed to our physical and energetic bodies. If there is an in-balance of these colors in our energetic field, this reflects on our physical body as a mental or physical illness.
The luminous energy of colors is of the same nature as the electromagnetic energy of radio and television waves. Just as the transmitters and receptors of radio waves, humans are also transmitting and receiving these energies in the same way.
Therefore, we can emit the energy of a certain color by simply thinking about it. Each color possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and each vibration has characteristics related to different physical symptoms.Each color relates to one of the 7 main chakras. Therefore in Chromotherapy, we work on the chakras that display irregular variation of energy to re-establish the energy balance. To accomplish this, we apply the corresponding light to the chakra that needs to be adjusted. This application of light can be made by the use of colored light bulbs, colored lenses, crystals or simply the mind.
To summarize, we have the following colors that are represented on the 7 main chakras:
Violet – Deals with heightened and elevated themes, assist in meditation and elevation. Relates to the subtle plane.
Lilac – Deals with intuition and subjects of the mind (more rational). It connects to the head.
Blue – Deals with speech (inhibition to express yourself). It connects to the throat.
Green – Relates to the intermediate plane. It connects with the lung and heart.
Yellow – Deals with nervousness and agitation. Relates to anxiety in the material plane, auto-expression. It connects with the stomach, liver, intestine, and other organs.
Orange – Related to the conjugal hereditary succession and situations in the material plane. Connects to the sexual organs and kidneys.
Red – The densest of all planes (or material). Deals with the structure of a man in its path. It connects to the legs and feet.