Regular readers of giornaledibarganews will without a doubt remember a series of articles last summer which documented the incredible rise of a tiny piece of music produced here in Barga which then went on to what could be best described as musical world domination.
What started with some heavy radio play on Italian national radio then went onto the world DJ charts entering the top 10 and has now been seen on YouTube and other Internet video sites are staggering total of more than 5 million times. We are of course talking about Andrea Guzzoletti and his collaboration with Federico Scavo and the piece of music known as STRUMP.
As you can hear in the interview below with Andrea this afternoon ( in Italiano) the latest disc to come out of his production company, Even Eight Records, is just about to hit the streets. This time it is his own production and as you can hear halfway through the interview when he played a brief passage it could very well be named “Strump II la vendetta” as this to its going to be impossible not to dance to once it enters people’s heads. The actual title “Bulgarija” also gives some idea of the influences on this piece of music.
Once again it is expected to be heard around the world in most of the major clubs, helped along as this time Bulgarija will be part of the very, very successful label, Dance and Love ( their site is here)
Andrea also goes on to say in the interview, some news which might be of interest for people living close to Barga.
This Sunday, 3rd June they will be filming the video for the new Bulgarija song right here in the Comune of Barga – up at Sommocolonia to be absolutely precise.
If you would like to take part in the video as an extra then please come along – all are welcome.
The concept behind it the video is very simple. The last video for strump heavily featured what Andrea termed as “glamour” This time he wants to show that music is accessible and enjoyed by all irrespective of age or looks. There will be a slight retro feel to the video with the actors taking part in what is effectively a country fair during the 70s or early 80s.
So, if you want to take part in this video, come along dressed not for the city and not with your trendiest of clothes and with a big smile on your face as you participate in the continuing saga of the STRUMP music world domination.
From the giornaldibarganews archives – It has been racing up the charts for the past couple of weeks after some heavy radio play on Italian national radio and now it is on the world DJ charts and just about to enter the top ten… is there no stopping this summer’s surprise hit – Strump?
The one person who should know, is Barga’s very own Andrea Guzzoletti who is after all the main force behind the song.
When asked in the piazza about his hit tune he pulls a face and remarks that he worked on a disc for three years and got very little response from the public (he is of course talking about his critically acclaimed but commercially ignored CD – Invisible Cities) but a song which took just 10 minutes and used a mere handful of musical notes is rapidly moving round the world, getting people on their feet and making a name for himself as a composer and trumpet player.
Andrea is also ruefully aware that in the next few days the annual Barga Jazz Festival is just about to start up in Barga and the city will be full of jazz musicians who make up the Barga Jazz Orchestra – Andrea is one of the trumpet players in that orchestra.
Just how the other musicians are going to be treating Andrea over the next couple of weeks remains to be seen but the Barga Jazz Orchestra is famous for its wicked sense of humour – it is very doubtful that they will let the whole Strump phenomenon go without making some musical comment… probably on a daily basis.
Andrea has been advised to carry with him at all times the receipts for the world sales of the Strump song and wave that in their faces when the joshing and ragging gets too much.
As can be seen from the video below filmed in Barga Vecchia yesterday, Andrea is already starting to crack under the strain of being a world famous superstar.
E’ già divenuta un tormentone delle più sfrenate serate estive in discoteca l’ultima chicca di Federico Scavo, dj di fama oramai internazionale che in luglio è uscito con Strump. Se la si ascolta anche solo per qualche istante è garantito che quel sound vi rimarrà in testa per tutta la giornata e questo grazie ad una tromba che qui a Barga tutti noi conosciamo ed apprezziamo. Strump vede infatti la collaborazione del trombettista barghigiano Andrea Guzzoletti ed il lavoro realizzato da Scavo e Guzzoletti è riuscito così bene che il brano figura al 21° posto nella Top 100 della musica House sul portale Beatport che è indubbiamente leader indiscusso a livello mondiale per la difusione, la cultura ed i download di musica elettronica.
Sulle migliori radio di musica dance, house ed elettronica la potete ascoltare tutti i giorni, come ad esempio accade su Radio DeeJay e sta impazzando anche il video ufficiale– davvero un prodotto di classe – che qui sotto vi proponiamo e dove appare anche Andrea in versione burlesque con la sua tromba al seguito.
Dopo il grande successo di Gimme Five, Get Funky e Otherside, Federico Scavo è tornato con la sua Strump per la etichetta Hotfingers. La storia che sta dietro questo progetto è un sogno classico di molti artisti e così Scavo lo ha presentato sul web: svegliarsi con una melodia in testa, chiamate il vostro amico con una tromba e il gioco è fatto.
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In “Strump”, una parola che è meglio non tradurre ma che risale al gergo elisabettiano utilizzato anche da Shakespeare, la collaborazione tra Scavo e Guzzoletti propone una bella miscela di musica che mette insieme i classici ritmi della house agli influssi latini e circensi che vengono dalla tromba di Andrea. Un mix davvero perfetto, un vero e proprio tormentone dell’estate, una musica che farebbe ballare anche i sassi. Provare per credere.
Strump feat. Andrea Guzzoletti
After the great success of Gimme Five, Get Funky and Otherside, Federico Scavo is coming back with a big boom on Hotfigners with the house summer track Strump. This time Federico Scavo collaborates with the italian trompetist Andrea Guzzoletti.
The story behind this project is a classic dream of many artists : to wake up with a melody in your head, call your friend with a trumpet and the tune is born. As well as a A class video with Federico’s grandma included in the shoots.Andrea Guzzoletti
Andrea Guzzoletti (b. 23/05/72 – Barga – Lucca – Italy).Graduated at the Lucca Conservatoire “L. Boccherini” in ‘93 as a trumpet player. Following this he continued to perfect his technique with M° Pierre Thibaud in Paris. In 1994 he obtained the High Professional Qualification for Musicians EEC Masters Degree – Jazz and Contemporary Derivations with Paolo Fresu. In 2000 he completed the Berklee College of Music Masters Course at Umbria Jazz. He has been a member of the Italian Jazz Youth Orchestra, on tour with the Peter Erskine John Taylor and Palle Danielsson trio and subsequently with the flautist James Newton. Since 1995 he is an established member of the Barga Jazz Orchestra directed by M° Bruno Tommaso. In December 2006 he founded his independent publishing house, Even Eights Records, with which he has promoted a variety of projects together with a couple of friends who are considered amongst the top contemporary jazz musicians active in Italy Stefano Onorati and Roberto Cecchetto. Together with them he has consolidated his compositional output with scores for promotional videos commissioned by Iveco and the All Blacks during the World Rugby Championship in France. However his most important venture is the experimental mix of Jazz and Improvisation and Dance and Underground Music. At present he is also collaborating with Dj Luca Bacchetti.Andrea Guzzoletti (n. 23/05/72 – Barga – Lucca – Italia). Diplomato in tromba al Conservatorio “L. Boccherini” di Lucca nel ’93. In seguito ha continuato a perfezionare la sua tecnica con il M ° Pierre Thibaud a Parigi. Nel 1994 ha ottenuto la qualifica professionale EEC Masters Degree – Jazz and Contemporary Derivations con Paolo Fresu. Nel 2000 ha completato il Berklee College of Music Masters Course a Umbria Jazz. È stato membro dell’Italian Jazz Youth Orchestra, in tour con il trio di Peter Erskine John Taylor e Palle Danielsson e successivamente con il flautista James Newton. Dal 1995 è membro stabile della Barga Jazz Orchestra diretta dal M ° Bruno Tommaso. Nel dicembre 2006 ha fondato la sua casa editrice indipendente, Even Eights Records, con cui egli ha promosso una serie di progetti insieme con un paio di amici che sono considerati tra i migliori musicisti jazz contemporanei attivi in Italia, Stefano Onorati e Roberto Cecchetto. Insieme a loro, ha consolidato la sua produzione compositiva e la sua musica è stata utilizzata dagli spot promozionali di Iveco e All Blacks durante il campionato mondiale di Rugby in Francia. Tuttavia la sua avventura più importante è sperimentare mix di Jazz e di improvvisazione, insieme a musica dance e Underground. Attualmente collabora anche con Dj Luca Bacchetti e con il dy Federico Scavo.