Running away from home becomes a short, but important adventure that cements the lifelong friendship and helps the teenagers look to the future.
Starring Max Gabbay and Hannah Chinn… Directed by Jake Gabbay
Jake Gabbay is a highly regarded videographer and Apple certified editor. A 2007 graduate of the Orlando technical school in Orlando, USA – his site can be seen here
Jake Gabbay – Video Credits:
Lodo Fashion show promo, Denver – Videographer / Editor/ Producer
A fashion promo video shot and edited for Lodo magazine
La Playa Hotel and Golf Resort, Naples, Florida. – Cameraman and Noble House Hotels. Footage for hotel website and promotional DVD. Shot hotel
amenities, special beauty shots as well as interviews with management.
Ocean Key Resort, Key West, Florida. – Cameraman and Noble house Hotels. Footage for hotel website and promotional DVD. Shot hotel
amenities, special beauty shots as well as interviews with management.
Cartwheel Productions, Orlando, Florida. – Cameraman
Shot interview and behind the scenes footage for up and coming children’s show. Follow me camera.
EA sports, Orlando, Florida. – Cameraman
Cartwheel Productions. Shot interviews with Madden 2010 for Wii game designers.
PSA for ******* Abuse, Orlando, Florida – Director
Shot for drug awareness campaign in Orange County, Florida. (link :
Interview with Kevin Busby, Orlando, Florida – Director and Cameraman
OTV productions. Interview with basketball player Kevin Busby. (link :