La Galera in Fornaci di Barga with Giulio Turriani at the helm is gradually becoming the in place to be seen at with a mixture of good food, beer, wine and interesting people.
Sunday nights at La Galera is also the night when there is a fine mix of a live music and culture.
Last week it was the Amanita Phalloides with their experimental electronic psycoelectro sound (article here) – this week it was the turn of The Aristodemo’s who have been making a name for themselves over the last few years with their version of Italian swing music from the 30s, 40s and 50s.
Andrea Gonnella – voice | Alessandro Rizzardi – clarinetto, mandolino, saxophone | Keane – percussion | Fabio Guazzelli – guitar | Ugo Menconi – accordion | Leo Gnesi – double bass
Sunday night was also the well attended opening of the exhibition of photographs from Antonella Berto.
… Attimi … Fotografie di vita a confronto ….
More exhibitions in the future are planned by Giulio Turriani and his crew – watch this space.