According to many readers, this book is one of the most honest and insightful first hand accounts of what it was like to be a young resistance fighter behind the Gothic line during the Second World War in this area.
The story was written longhand by Giuseppe Lazzarini and lay for many years unread in his house until after his death, his son Daniele Lazzarini decided to type out the handwritten diary and see if there was an interest in publishing his fathers memories.
Thanks to the combined effort of the Lazzarini family, we now have many decades after, an extremely interesting and powerful viewpoint on what was a very murky and complicated time for people living in this area.
Il 18 aprile a Barga in biblioteca si terrà un evento dal titolo “Diario partigiano”, che vedrà la presentazione del libro “Iena. Diario di un partigiano dietro la Linea Gotica in Garfagnana” di Giuseppe Lazzarini, ma anche la storia della Resistenza in Garfagnana.
L’evento si terrà sabato 18 aprile alle ore 17,30 presso la Biblioteca “F.lli Rosselli” di Barga, in collaborazione con l’amministrazione comunale.