Well it’s been a long wait but finally this week , the long awaited CD from Emma Morton and the Graces has started to put in an appearance.
“Bitten by the Devil” is the name on the front cover (image by Caterina Salvi ) and it contains nine new tracks from Emma and the band. Most of which were written by Emma and Luca Giovacchini and sometimes with Piero Perelli except the one track “I want you” which is a haunting Bob Dylan song.
01 – Scozia
02 – One by One
03 – Why Fall
04 – Good Men
05 – Dirty John
06 – I Want You
07 – Bitten by the Devil
08 – Lost Woman
09 – Whit’s Fir Ye
The album will be released officially on Friday but it can be preordered on iTunes
“Sono passati quattro anni dalla mia esperienza a X factor – cosi tanti lo vedono come la morte – per me, è stata una rinascita.
Bitten by the Devil è una raccolta di Confessioni di una donna che ha trapassato inferni interiori ed esteriori, accogliendo le fiamme per tirare luce sulla lunga strada verso la sopravvivenza e la consapevolezza. Questo album, per me, è una vera emancipazione da un passato governato dall’insicurezza, violenze ed oppressioni. Come donna e come madre, voglio volermi un pochino piu bene e questo disco, il lavoro che ho fatto con i Graces, in qualche modo, è stato il portale verso una nuova libertà di voler vivere senza paure, ma con amore, dedizione e tanta grinta.” – emma morton
Emma was in Barga Vecchia this afternoon visiting Keane’s studio with a copy of her new CD and in between dodging the rain looking at his latest work – the Barga Shrines paintings- (full article and images here)
My name is Emma Morton, I started writing and performing when I moved from Edinburgh to Tuscany in 2009. Working within the Italian Jazz scene I met my musicians Piero Perelli and Luca Giovacchini and together we formed “Emma and the Graces.” I was inspired by these Lucca boys who have traveled and performed throughout the birthplace of blues and jazz, to start this project which blends Delta Blues and Scottish folk. We’re on an experimental journey, exploring past and present, the mystic and the absolute, home and overseas.
I’ve loved music and performing since I was a child, I found music to be one of the only ways I was able to communicate intimately and freely who I was and what the world meant to me. It became a kind of necessity from early on. Though I never considered myself as a singer but when I moved to Italy nine years ago I found myself in the midst of great jazz musicians who inspired and encouraged me to develop my passion for singing. I started listening to jazz and blues and formed my first Italian Swing band “Emma e gli Aristodemos”. Over time my confidence grew, I continued to discover new music and styles and experiment with all of it.
In 2014 I took part in Italy’s X Factor, which affected my life and music significantly. I was a semifinalist and subsequently released music with Sony Italia, Cramp Records and Reverb Records, and have since been working steadily with my music, have collaborated with popular artists both from Italy and overseas, done some television and radio, but most importantly travelled and performed with great musicians and gained a lot of knowledge and experience to help me find the road to my new album. There’s no doubt that my experience during X Factor helped my self confidence in ways I never thought possible — it was so difficult putting myself out there week after week to be judged that by the end of it I felt like I could handle anything and I now LOVE performing.
It exposed me the world of pop and electronic music which I didn’t know anything about and I’ve spent the last two years developing that, working with people within the commercial music world and trying to find my place in it too.
I would have liked to have released an album of my own music in the last two years, I have written enough material for three or four albums for some reason or another, I have never concluded the production and release of that music. When Emma Morton and the Graces was born I finally understood why. I needed to go back to my roots and write something which was part of me, of my past and my heritage and represented me non only with my lyrics but with a sound, a musical world which was “my own” – because it felt right, not because the numbers said so.
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about a pretty special man who I met and sang for in 2012. He told me that I needed to find my homeland within my voice, that Scotland would be my key if I mixed it with the jazz I liked singing. His name was Lilli Greco, he was an important producer who had discovered and produced some of the best artists in Italy like Patty Pravo and Paolo Conte. That was six years ago, and I am now finally taking his advice and it’s crazy but I genuinely do feel “home”.