Aristodemo Casciani and Silvano Togneri – v 3.0

Aristodemo Casciani and Silvano Togneri

As many people have already noticed, there have been some enormous changes on the barganews site recently.

This site has been in existence since 1996 and has gradually over those years become a vast archive of all things Barga.

Many things have changed over those years including amongst others, just how people view this site.

Once upon a time it was mainly viewed on a horizontal monitor of a personal computer but as times change and new technologies evolve that is now no longer the case.

A vast percentage of our viewers now follow the daily happenings in and around Barga on small handheld devices and more often than not held vertically.

So it is time to “go with the flow” and change the format and also the amount of information that can be seen on one small screen.

It’s time for change.

Gradually over the next few weeks, all of the archives will be changed over to this new format.

Whilst going through some of the archives some very interesting articles and images have popped to the surface.

This article is a good example. – a recording from inside the unofficial cultural centre of Barga – Da Aristo in Barga Vecchia – with Aristodemo Casciani on keyboards calling out the chord sequences for Alessandro Rizzardi on mandolin and probably JJ Carde on guitar and the inimitable Silvano Togneri somewhere in the background.