Parco Buozzi – tree fallen in the night – v 3.0

Parco Buozzi – tree fallen in the night

Torrential rain during the night has loosened  the ground around a tree in Parco Buozzi and it has crashed to the ground taking with it some of the electrical system that connected the lights in the foot paths around the park.

Luckily those lights have not been turned on for many many years and so there is little chance of anybody getting a shock from the exposed wires.


“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” is a philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and perception.


In June 1883, in the magazine The Chautauquan, the question was asked, “If a tree were to fall on an island where there were no human beings would there be any sound?” They then went on to answer the query with, “No. Sound is the sensation excited in the ear when the air or other medium is set in motion.

“The magazine Scientific American corroborated the technical aspect of this question, while leaving out the philosophic side, a year later when they asked the question slightly reworded, “If a tree were to fall on an uninhabited island, would there be any sound?” And gave a more technical answer, “Sound is vibration, transmitted to our senses through the mechanism of the ear, and recognized as sound only at our nerve centers. The falling of the tree or any other disturbance will produce vibration of the air. If there be no ears to hear, there will be no sound.”