Sax and Shoes plus a whole lot more – v 3.0

Sax and Shoes plus a whole lot more

One of the historic bottega in Barga Vecchia – that of Gabriele Bombardi – the builder and repairer of wind instruments such as the sax, clarinets, flutes and trumpets has moved to new larger premises.

Bombardi Gabriele costruttore e riparatore di strumenti a fiato quali sax, clarinetti, flauti, trombe.Cambio tamponi, regolazione molle, sostituzioni, restauro strumenti antichi a fiato e a corda. Costruzione e riparazione strumenti a corda, accordatura pianoforti .Disponibile per preventivo gratutito .

Now situated close to Porta Reale in Barga Vecchia, the new larger space gives Gabriele the possibility to expand his creative drive into many other areas – we can expect much more than just sax and shoes – watch this space.