Posts for tra le righe Category
133 items found

The Gathering – Barga Book Club

Presentazione del libro “A cuore vivo” di Romina Bramanti

New book by Elizabeth George set in Lucca and Barga

Arti Differenti – presentazione del libro “A cuore vivo” di Romina Bramanti

Arandora Star – When Fiction Serves Truth

Spring Sonata by Bernice Rubens at Barga Book Club

Scottish newspaper article – early ice-cream parlours likened to vice dens

Simone Togneri: an urban thriller writer living in the mountains.

The Forgotten Templars – Mcaldwell Hunter

Il Dottor Pistelli by Alessandro Trasciatti illustrated by Nazareno Giusti

Il paese di Acchiappacitrulli – Paolo Giannotti