Visitors to Barga Vecchia were treated this afternoon to an impromptu exhibition of fine contemporary dance movements as two dancers, one from the UK, the other from Australia went through a series of improvisations based around their reactions to being able to spend some time in the city.
The two dancers, Roseanna Anderson who trained at the English National Ballet School and Josh Ben-tovim from the Rambert Ballet School are both members of the Impermanence Dance Theatre and following on from their first visit to the city 12 months ago decided to come back to reconnoitre for places in which they felt would be suitable for their form of expression.
This afternoon they brought along Alessandro Rizzardi with his sax to add his input into the mix.
No set pieces, nothing planned just straight out improvisation with the notes from Alessandro’s sax being picked up by the dancers and then in turn their movement supplying visual feedback to Alessandro who changed his sound accordingly.
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As you can see in the video below they started their session using the walls of the Duomo as a backdrop before moving inside to use the very dramatic lighting flooding in across the floor.[dw-post-more level=”1″]
Shadow, light, movement and interplay were the “tools” with which they built their short dance piece.
They then moved on to one of the very steep narrow sections of Barga Vecchia next to the Barga Jazz Club noting that the city was all based on movements up and down, something which the residents of Barga are all well aware of when carrying in their heavy shopping bags. Calf muscles in Barga are all well developed.
Their next port of call was slightly less strenuous, but still climbing upwards was necessary as they performed two small pieces in the Altana – the covered roof-terrace in Palazzo Cordati.
“Everybody should take active part in the battle of art, because the artist’s life is connected to the life of all his contemporaries, and because art leaves eternal traces of the life of peoples.” – Bruno Cordati
The sombre colours of Bruno Cordati’s figures painted on the walls of the Altana changed dramatically the form and speed of their work. As Roseanna pointed out on leaving Casa Cordati, “sometimes you have to remember not to dance – stillness has its moments”
Their final dance was performed in the pouring rain in the middle of Piazza Angelio as they symbolically met coming in from both ends of the piazza and leaving together.
Leaving together, but they will be back and the next time if all goes well, they will be arriving with the rest of their troupe as there are now plans to put on a larger performance in BargaVecchia some time in the near future.
The exact dates have still be sorted out as the Impermanence Dance Theatre performs across Europe and Roseanna and Josh are shortly leaving for Australia but watch this space for more news.
Spettacolo a sorpresa in a Barga Vecchia, con un’esibizione estemporanea di danza moderna. Autori dello spettacolo due ballerini, una proveniente dal Regno Unito, l’altro dall’Australia. I due – Roseanna Anderson, allieva del English National Ballet School – e Josh Ben, del Rambert Ballet School, sono entrambi membri del Impermanence Dance Theatre e questa loro visita segue un primo passaggio a Barga, avvenuto 12 mesi fa per una ricognizione circa i luoghi che più li ispiravano.
Questo pomeriggio hanno danzato nel castello di Barga, accompagnati dal sax di Alessandro Rizzardi, improvvisando coreografie.
Primo palcoscenico per questa inattesa sessione di arti varie il sagrato del Duomo, e poi la bella altana di Casa Cordati.
L’ultima esibizione è avvenuta sotto la pioggia battente in piazza Angelio, dove i due ballerini si sono simbolicamente ricongiunti entrando dai due lati opposti della piazza ed uscendone insieme.
Roseanna e Josh torneranno, probabilmente con la compagnia di ballo con la quale stanno progettando una più ampia performance in Barga vecchia.
Video realizzati da Alessandro per il gruppo Inspired by Barga
The videos are the work of Alessandro from the Inspired by Barga group
Le persone e il territorio sono i veri punti di forza per la promozione turistica del nostro Paese. Per questo abbiamo pensato di coinvolgerli attraverso una serie di performances creative. Se volete partecipare iscrivetevi al gruppo.
“Inspired by Barga” nasce dal web e si ispira e prende il nome da un progetto di promozione turistica islandese, che ha come punto di riferimento il territorio e le persone. Per questo abbiamo pensato di coinvolgerli e renderli protagonisti attraverso una serie di performances creative, che verranno filmate e pubblicate sul web sotto forma di backstage e a fine estate sarà realizzato un video (Inspired by Barga) che racchiuderà tutti i momenti più significativi.Il modello di marketing e comunicazione che intendiamo proporre per la promozione del Comune di Barga:
• riqualificazione urbana attraverso il coinvolgimento attivo e la sensibilizzazione degli abitanti.;
• creazione di presupposti per una operazione di fidelizzazione.
• implementazione del senso di appartenenza e di partecipazione del territorio.