Monday, August 02, 2004

green plastic water bottles keep cats away?

A question asked by a visitor to Barga this week made O'Connor get out his camera and go out to see if he could find some answers.

The question? Just what are all those bottles of water doing on the doorsteps in Barga Vecchia?

The bottles are there to stop cats or dogs peeing on the doors.

SO how does it work ? So far there have been 7 answers put forward:

The rest of this article and more images are here


At 8:10 PM, Anonymous said...

PET (not glassy) bottles filled with water REALLY deter cats from peeing wherever they are placed. This is well-know since longtime even far from Barga, as I'm writing from another country.
However, bottles need not to be green as your excellent photographic reportage confirm.And they need not to be placed by the door; best results have been reached near cornerstones (A wide number of scientific articles have been published on subject).
Also, I do not believe that it works with dogs.

In my country someone affirm one more possible explanation of this exotic phenomenon, that is:
- Water contrast the smell of the territory landmark.
However, my personal opinion, after many years of study, is that cats see their reflection in the bottle and are scared off.

If you are interested in more detailed discussion, please reply in this forum.

At 8:11 PM, Anonymous said...

PET (not glassy) bottles filled with water REALLY deter cats from peeing wherever they are placed. This is well-know since longtime even far from Barga, as I'm writing from another country.
However, bottles need not to be green as your excellent photographic reportage confirm.And they need not to be placed by the door; best results have been reached near cornerstones (A wide number of scientific articles have been published on subject).
Also, I do not believe that it works with dogs.

In my country someone affirm one more possible explanation of this exotic phenomenon, that is:
- Water contrast the smell of the territory landmark.
However, my personal opinion, after many years of study, is that cats see their reflection in the bottle and are scared off.

If you are interested in a more detailed discussion, please reply in this forum.


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