Friday, November 26, 2004

Latest update on the barga music scene

The autumn and winter months are traditionally the time when the music scene in Barga starts to "ferment" and evolve. Lots of changes in lineups, new groups, new sounds and new ideas are being rehearsed ready for the spring where once more they burst into the open in front of the waiting audiences.

So what has been going on behind closed doors these past few months?

There are three main groups coming to the boil at the moment... Ortonovo, the main homegrown Barga group who have been gaining strength and depth over the years and two new upstarts to the Barga scene; Strabacco and Jack's Pack.

Ortonovo have been in their rehearsal studio at Gallicano all year and are just about to launch their first CD with their new record label. (barganews will bring you a taster from that CD as soon as we can get our sticky hands in it)

Strabbaco, the new singer/songwriter duo with Mirko and Jack Nannini have also signed a deal with a record label and they too are busily preparing their stage act ready for the new season.

All eyes at the moment are on the new group, Jack's Pack who have their first public outing on December 4th at the Barga Jazz Club. This group which has risen phoenix like out of the ashes of "Uno per La Strada" and incorporating two members of Ortonovo has been seen all winter trudging backwards and forwards across Barga Vecchia with their instruments moving from one rehearsal studio to another. Word on the street is that they are hot, hot, hot !

Time will tell if they do manage to live up to all the hype that is floating round about them at the moment. Watch this space. More information about these groups can be found here on the forum


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