A wonderful clear crisp sunny spring like day in Barga Vecchia – the perfect setting for the traditional pentolaccia festa to mark the end of the carnival. Children (of all sizes) were in costume today and nobody was safe from the confetti or spray. Adults, children, dogs even women in fur coats were liberally covered in foam by groups of screaming children enjoying the cries of their victims as today anything goes – all is possible. The highlight of the day was the pentolaccia. Paper containers strung up from the beams. Blindfolded children swung with sticks in an attempt to break the pentolaccia and bring down the hidden treasure trove – confetti, toys and sweets.
A perfect festa organised by those masters of having a good time – The Lake Angels. All money raised today will go towards the Lake Angels Rwanda project (article here)
And the festa did not stop there but carried on in the evening with a pentolaccia for adults at the Barga Jazz Club