The Mayor’s Sash – Fascia Tricolore – left or right? – v 3.0

The Mayor’s Sash – Fascia Tricolore – left or right?


It was at a recent wedding in another comune nearby to Barga – in the comune of Coreglia (article here) that I first noticed that something was different with the proceedings. If you check the Weddings category here on the site you will be able to see that I have been present at many, many weddings over the years but the one at Coreglia was not the same.

The person wearing the Fascia Tricolore – the Mayor’s Sash had it across himself in a way that I had not seen before. As he came out of his office to start the marriage ceremony, I could not help myself but blurted out to him.. “you have got the sash on the wrong way round”

I immediately regretted my boldness as I was informed somewhat frostily that maybe I had been present at other weddings where some of his “colleagues” had the sash on in the incorrect way but his way was the correct way.

I have checked on the Official Gazette No 270 of 18th November 1998 – where it states:

The tricolour band worn by the mayors of a city during the official ceremonies is not a mere ornament, but a symbol associated with changes in the office of the first citizen and should be used with awareness and decorum.

The Interior Minister Rosa Russo Jervolino, who on November 4 had signed a circular (Official Journal No. 270, November 18 1998) addressed to all prefects and representatives of provinces and autonomous regions, which invites mayors to make “correct use the sash and be aware “of the dignity and decorum of the office”

But nowhere can I find precise details on which shoulder the sash should be worn and should the green be close to the neck or away from the neck. Checking google for images of Mayors of Italy wearing their ceremonial sashes seems to show that there is a large number of images showing it across the right shoulder, coming down to the bow on the left side and with the green close to the head… so does anybody out there know if if this is correct or not ?

Just thought I would ask.

16 Responses

  1. At the present moment in Italian history, left-to-right would seem appropriate.

    Monacu 16 years ago
  2. L’uso della fascia tricolore da parte del soggetto che rappresenta la comunità locale si caratterizza per il suo valore altamente simbolico, reso ancor più evidente dalla modifica apportata dall’art. 4 della legge 15 maggio 1997, n. 127 all’art. 36, comma 7, della legge 8 giugno 1990, n. 142 [1].

    1. Si tratta dell’inserimento sulla fascia tricolore del simbolo del Comune, non previsto dalla vecchia legge 142 sulle autonomie locali. Il comma è stato modificato dalla Legge Bassanini (127/97) e recita così: “Distintivo del sindaco è la fascia tricolore con lo stemma della repubblica e lo stemma del comune, da portarsi a tracolla della spalla destra”.

    2. L’articolo 12 della Costituzione indica le caratteristiche della bandiera italiana: “La bandiera della Repubblica è il tricolore italiano: verde, bianco e rosso, a tre bande verticali di eguali dimensioni”.

    jjcarde 16 years ago
  3. Cioe il sindaco di Coreglia aveva ragione: “…da portarsi a tracolla della spalla destra”. Grazie Prof. Carde

    Monacu 16 years ago
  4. yeah, but that is only half the story Monacu …. look again at the image from Coreglia the sash is reversed compared to all the others … he has the red next his neck … the others have the green

    doggybag 16 years ago
  5. The colors of the Italian flag are said by some to symbolize hope (green), faith (white) and charity (red). Others claim that green is the symbol of the fertile Italian plains, white the snow-capped mountains, and red the bloodshed that brought about the independence of Italy. So the proximity of red to the Coreglia official’s head would suggest either an excessive attachment to charity or a fondness for bloodshed. You choose. But there is an even more troubling interpretation: The first modern Italian “flag” was the bandiera of the Cispadane Republic, in red and white — the colors of Milan — to which was added green representing the uniform of the Lombard Legion. A nod to the Lega and Umberto Bossi?

    Monacu 16 years ago
  6. The e-shop which sells SL Avtars has got it right.

    Full avatar of italian Mayor, with Mayor sash…..

    Deety 16 years ago
  7. ciao – un punto di vista della francia: mi sembra che da noi, il corpo del sindaco rappresenta l’albero della bandiera, dunque, il sindaco deve mettere il blu dalla parte della testa (blu, bianco, rosso) e da noi, si porte sulla spalla destra
    ciao a tutti

    nadia 16 years ago
  8. Ho guardato in giro e tutti la portano con il verde vicino alla testa, credo sia una regola

    jjcarde 16 years ago
  9. perchè non aprire un dibattito sul fatto che i sindaci debbano tagliarsi o no i peli delle orecchie?

    Dr. Who 16 years ago
  10. Poltrona seeker on an empty street
    Cobbled alley creeper, light on his feet
    It ain’t much I’m asking, I heard him say,
    Gotta find me a future, move out of my way,
    I want a sash, I want a sash, I want a sash, I want it now.
    I want a sash, I want a sash, I want a sash, I want it now.

  11. Is Deety a candidate for mayor?

    Monacu 16 years ago
  12. No, I just got a lisp

    Loo seeker on an empty street
    Cobbled alley creeper, light on his feet
    It ain’t much I’m asking, I heard him say,
    Gotta find me a bog, move out of my way,
    I want a sash, I want a sash, I want a sash, I want it now.
    I want a sash, I want a sash, I want a sash, I want it now.

    Deety 16 years ago
  13. in realtà è uno dei dibattiti più interessanti degli ultimi tempi, grande doggy, prometto scintille

    jjcarde 16 years ago
  14. Quite, although I was talking about pointing Percy at the porcelain and not sending Admiral Brown off to sea.

    Deety 16 years ago
  15. Vas te faire enculer

    Monacu 16 years ago
  16. Original lyrics by Queen.

    Deety 16 years ago

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