The Committee at San Pietro in Campo have outdone themselves once again this year with the Festa della Trebbiatura. What started out as a small festa in the village to celebrate using the old machinery and tractors to thresh the grain and prepare bales of straw has in the space of just three years blossomed into a full blown festival of the old traditions once used in this area with everything from bread making, grain preparing and even to roasting grain to make “coffee”.
Twenty agricultural machines, tractors, balers and trailers, mostly all dating back to pre-war years or early 50’s paraded through Barga from the Barga Sports Camp down to San Pietro in Campo where a demonstration of threshing and baling using older hand methods and then machines to do the work was put on for the large crowd gathered under the shade of the chestnut trees.
The new addition to the festival this year was the first art competition open to all artists in the area on the theme of grain and threshing which more than 20 artists participating and rich prizes in the offing:
1° Premio € 500,00 Comitato Paesano San Pietro in Campo
2° Premio € 400,00 Comitato Paesano San Pietro in Campo
3° Premio € 350,00 Comitato Paesano San Pietro in Campo
4° Premio € 320,00 Smurfit Kappa Ania Paper
5° Premio € 300,00 Gioielleria Biagioni Barga
6° Premio € 250,00 Macelleria Casci Loc. Arsenale Barga
The Comitato San Pietro in Campo site is here
Last years trebbiatura can be seen here