A petition which started collecting signatures in Barga Giardino this morning is already off to a good start with more than 200 residents of Barga signing on the dotted line. The aim of the petition is an attempt to stop what has been viewed by many people as a gradual decline in services offered by the Post Office in this area. The office in Barga Giardino had recently shut the doors in the afternoon and only been open for business during the mornings – causing long lines of waiting people and discontent among the population. The arrival of a digitalised automatic numbering system with people taking a ticket and waiting for their number to called solved some of the difficulties but this too was soon overwhelmed by many customers taking three tickets for three different services inside the post office and then jumping the line to get served first. The petition, organised by the local Partito Democratico, is asking for afternoon opening to be restored, for at least two times a week and the guarantee of at least three staff working in the mornings.
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