Our wedding date: June 26, 2011 – Today is our wedding!
“Ho dovuto passare 23 anni, un corso d’italiano, un mare e mille momenti di solitudine e paura prima di trovarmi con l’uomo che mi ha fatto capire il significato delle parole ‘a casa’, ‘amore vero’, e ‘Bunga Bunga.'”
“Ho dovuto passare 44 anni, tante serate ubriaco e 99 donnacce prima di trovarmi con la donna che mi ha fatto capire il significato delle parole ‘amore puro’, ‘passione’ e ‘quanto spendo?'”
Siamo molto eccitati a riunire le nostre vite, a creare una famiglia e un futuro pieno di amore, risate e felicita’. CI SPOSIAMO! e non solo: il tema anni 40/50 e’ il nostro stile, e vi diamo l’opportunita’ di trovare il personaggio vintage dentro di voi. Speriamo che tutti voi possiate celebrare questo bellissimo matrimonio insieme a noi nella nostra meravigliosa Barga, domenica 26 Giugno.
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Where the bells have spells and where the ancient stones protect their people our love was set like a home and we found peace and security in each others’ arms. Do we not all live our lives waiting for something as magical as this? So we must celebrate and unite as one, and create a family and share the warmth of our happiness with all of those close to us. WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!
We are super-duper excited to become little mr&mrs guazzelli and hope you all can join us under the tuscan sun as we make our first steps into the world of oneness.
Since we are seperated by sea and sun those of you from my homeland can keep updated on travel, accomodation, wedding day plans etc using this site, so keep you eyes open for any updates.
Please confirm your attendance in our RSVP section of the website, and post any songs you want to hear at the party on our Music page.
let’s have a musical!! I mean, a wedding.
40s/50s: Come Vestirsi / Dress Code
So… it was really really difficult to decide on a theme based around the 40s and 50s because everything was so good (except the third reich and fascism) and so we’ve decided that swing and glamour eclectic is what we want…
So we are inviting you to our:
… boy that’s gonna be stylish.
The Swing Era was very much at its peak in the early 40s, and although its popularity began to decline during the war, we’re going to milk that early 40s style for all it’s worth. Think Glenn Miller, Benny Goodmann, Zoot suits for men, and high neck blouses and flowy swing skirts for the ladies! The wedge-heeled open-toe shoe became popular during the decade, using cork or wood in the sole. Nylons were unavailable. Some women painted their legs with make-up, complete with eyeliner back seams, but many women opted to simply wear socks!
The wedding venue is a beautiful rustic Villa so I figured some day dresses shoud be in mind. Polka dots and flowery patterns of the 40s day dresses are stunning! guys should wear like brown and grey suits with braces ken?
I really don’t mind if people want to come a bit more casual… think of the town of Corleone in The Godfather – I think that was set around 1947.
Also – during the war, it was commonplace for men to attend weddings in uniform so if anyone has any soldier or sailor suits get them oot!
So as we move into the 40s style became more conservative as it was generally considered in bad taste to dress in anything too showy or extravagant during a time of shortage… that’s why we are also moving into the GLAMOUROUS 1950s…
After the war, American women were ready for something drastically different. In 1947, Christian Dior gave them what they wanted – the “New Look,” which featured long, full skirts, a soft feminine look, and peplums galore.
Now when I think of the 50s I imagine a charm so perfect and false that you can’t help wanting to try it.
When I think of the 50s I see Mariyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire and Judy Garland (to be name but a few) A sea of bright lights, tap-shoes, that ecstatic smile of Musical Theatre. I want some OTT attempts.
Qualcuno lo ha definito il matrimonio dell’anno, ma anche se così non fosse (ma lo è) quello di Fabio Guazzelli ed Emma Morton è stato sicuramente il matrimonio più speciale del centro storico di Barga per questo 2011. Una grande festa in stile anni’40 e ’50, nel più puro stile di vita di Emma e Fabio, ma soprattutto una bella occasione di unione tra realtà e culture diverse, quella della Scozia da cui proviene Emma e quella di Fabio, castelnovese e garfagnina in primis e barghigiana di seguito. E, in special modo, la festa dell’amore tra Fabio ed Emma sbocciato in una calda estate di due anni orsono ed arrivato ieri al fatidico, tanto atteso e tanto voluto sì.
Tanti invitati, tutti in stile rigorosamente vintage, ed una bellissima festa che è cominciata nel pomeriggio di ieri in paizza del Comune, che è proseguita con la cerimonia celebrata dal sindaco Marco Bonini nella sala consiliare e che è andata avanti con diversi step prima nell’antico Castello e poi nella bella cornice di Villa Biondi dove “Fabiemma” hanno ricevuto parenti ed amici più cari. Musica, brindisi, giopchi, buona cucina e soprese varie all’infinito.
Ci sarebbe tanto da aggiungere e da dire, ma terminiamo semplicemente qui. L’amore tra Fabio ed Emma è talmente grande che basta e avanza per concludere questo servizio. Un abbracio da tutti noi del giornaledibarganews
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