The Green Room which so captivated the local population last year during the Barga Jazz Festival – more than 700 portraits (all images can be seen here) were taken by the two photographers, Caterina Salvi and Keane using the lighting project designed by Marco Poma, recently moved out of Villa Libano and instead Caterina and Keane set up their equipment inside the Museo Diocesano in Milano as part of the “Slow Art performance – Arte della gente e dei luoghi” .
The Diocesan Museum is located in the setting of the cloisters of Sant’Eustorgio, integral part of one of the most antique monumental complexes of Milan, built from the joined units of the basilica and the Dominican convent, a thriving centre in the course of the centuries in an important area for the history of Milanese Christianity.
This month they are once more back in residence at the Villa Libano and the Green Room will be open from the 17th August till the end of the month but this weekend there was a visitor to the Villa who insisted on being photographed in the room.
Not all of the lighting system designed by Marco Poma was available for the photoshoot but after a quick “MacGyver” moment involving some wire, a telephone charger and some insulation tape, the images with a very serious looking Paolo Nutini looking directly into the lens were taken for posterity.
Without doubt 2014 is the year of Paolo Nutini. With the announcement of his first UK arena tour and his third album ‘Caustic Love‘ critically lauded, already platinum and a permanent fixture in the Top Ten (for 15 straight weeks), Paolo Nutini releases his new single ‘Iron Sky’ on Atlantic Records on September 1st.