25 New Street Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland is the address of the new venture which opens its doors last night featuring wood fire pizza ovens, industrial design interior with a hefty dose of pop-culture and kitsch references (think concrete, fish tanks, good quality DJs and neon lights). Their announced aim – to bring something creatively different and unique to Paisley.
As their publicity proclaimed over the social networks : – “The wait is over – screw brexit, it’s “BARGA” DAY!!!” Right in the heart of Paisley, “BARGA” Bar & Cafe is kicking off the revolution. #bargabarpaisley
Gooood beer and dirty cocktails. Wood fired pizza and kick ass street food. Solid beats and eclectic DJ’s. Who’s got time to read menus with more pages than a Harry Potter book, our menu is small and simple because we believe in what we’re offering and we know what you want – tasty, quality street food with attitude…. made in Paisley!
Their facebook page can be seen here