BargaLive 2020 – day three – v 3.0

BargaLive 2020 – day three

19th July  – day three of the BargaLive 2020 and another two concerts this evening for the BargaLive 2020

Piazza del Teatro 19 July – The Aristodemo’s – Piazza del Comune 19 july – The Brothers in Law

(Additional images and video by Mary Reid and Julie Thorburn) 

All articles on barganews featuring the Aristodemo’s can be seen here 

The second week in July is normally the start of the fortnight for the Piazzette Festa – the Festa del Centro Storico  when Barga Vecchia is alive with music with literally thousands of people moving through the city enjoying the food and the live music on offer in most of the piazzas (articles here)

This year of course with the COVID-19 restrictions none of that is possible  but today comes news of a planned  very different version of the Festa del Centro Storico which could take place over the two weekends  – the 17th to the 19th of July and the 24th to the 26th July.

Now with a different name  – Bargalive 2020 and organised by the Comune, the  Pro Loco  and the Barga Jazz club.

During those two weekends, there will be 2 concerts each night from  9:30 pm  to 11:30 pm and in different piazzas and  which will accompany the people using the restaurants in the city (reservations are recommended for dining in the restaurants and it is also possible to book the take away service to consume food and drink in the areas that have been specially set up and equipped since the beginning of July in the historic center.




Piazza del Sargentone 18 july – Honky Tonk Girls 26 july – Abramo
Piazza del Comune 19 july – The Brothers in Law 25 July – Peggy Su and the Sexual Chocolate
Piazza Angelio 17th July – Acustic Band 24 July – Niki La Rosa Trio
Piazza del Teatro 19 July – The Aristodemo’s 26 July Anima Mundi
Piazza SS Annunziata 18 july – Mc Nick and Fabulous Brothers 24 July – Loveable Creatures
Porta Reale 17 July – Soul Soup 25 July – Luca Kiella