Dateline : July 5th 2000
Place : New York USA


Bicycle Paintings by Taliah Lempert

I have been working on this series for a few years. I'm really into bikes so it's great to look at them as well as ride them. I find that the shapes of a bike, the frame and components lend themselves to very interesting abstract compositions, while still maintaining their identity as real things. I like the idea of painting things that people really value and use. I love to paint pictures of my friends' bikes. I encourage them to leave their bikes at my house when they are out of town. People have recognized bikes they know in my paintings, I like that. Bikes make me think of the people who ride them.

The symbol of a bicycle is a very powerful thing. People depend on them all over the world. I used to paint the figure. I find that painting the bicycle hits on a lot of the same issues for me. Bicycles are made to carry the figure. Their shape relates to and suggests a person. The bicycles themselves are beautiful. These paintings are as much about painting as they are about bicycles.







 More of Taliahs work can be seen on her beautiful web site

Bicycle Paintings & Custom Bicycle Portraits by Taliah Lempert




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This site has been sponsored by the Foundation for artists using computers as a tool for art and not just for computer graphics. Artists at Work wish to thank the foundation for all their help and support

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