23 November 1999

Barga (LU) ITALY

Riduzione scenica tratta da "Il Gabbiano Jonathan Livingstone" di Richard Bach

Just a few images from the successful production of "Jonathan" performed 23 November 1999 in the Teatro dei Differenti in Barga (LU) Italy  by the Associazione Culturale Lo Spazio Vuoto . Last nights performance  did not take place without a degree of polemic amongst certain members of the audience for the language used on stage  but  other critics pointed out that the level of language used was in no way different from an evenings television in Italy. barganews.com wants to be the first to congratulate the Spazio Vuoto company for their performance . Finally in Barga somebody is making contemporary art . The painters of Barga have more or less given up in wanting to say anything with their art  (apart from saying over and over again how beautiful the duomo is ...it is beautiful but do we have to keep repeating ourselves)  With the demise of the Vino Rosso Posse , the musicians have just about given up the ghost as well, so it was with a great sigh of relief that barganews.com watched the actors last night pick up the challenge….BRAVI ! well done . Hold your heads high this morning . The capable direction of  Maurizio Biagioni  and  Satyamo Hernandez is now showing  what can be done .The musicians,  Stefano Chelotti, Giuseppe Ferrari, Davide Pucci and Satyamo on guitar were majestic. The lighting done by that old hand Massimo Andreini was perfect -minimal but very effective, as were the costumes by Navyo Sarto but the real star of the night was of course "Jonathan " - Andrea Gonnella aided and abetted by Sondra Carrara, Marco Surjan Chiorboli, Michele Foli and Ottavio Malatesta.

It will be interesting to see how this group manages to follow up on "Jonathan " Watch this space !

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