Si avvia a conclusione la 31° edizione del Barga Jazz Festival con gli ultimi imperdibili concerti .
Venerdì 30 Agosto, nella bellissima location del Parco Conservatorio Santa Elisabetta, saliranno sul palco del festival i musicisti del Tony Cattano “Naca” Quartet. Oltre allo stesso Cattano al trombone, leader del progetto, il gruppo è formato da Emanuele Parrini al violino, Matto Anelli al contrabbasso e Andrea Melani alla batteria.
Il repertorio si inserisce nell’ambito del Jazz contemporaneo ma ricorda spesso quelle sonorità cinematografiche e visionarie adatte ad un pubblico più ampio.
Tony Cattano – Trombone Player and Composer
Tony was born in Augusta, Sicily, and is currently resident in Livorno.
He began studying the violin aged 7, switching to trombone a few years later. In 2000, he graduated from the V.Bellini music institute in Catania.
Interested in jazz from an early age, Tony attended various seminars led by artists of international fame such as Giorgio Gaslini, Paolo Fresu, Tony Oxley and Franco D’Andrea.In 1999, he attended the Siena Jazz summer school, and won a scholarship to attend the following year. During the same year he became part of the Mediterranean Jazz Orchestra, a big band from Catania, in which he played alongside and was directed by Gianni Basso, George Gruntz, Bob Mintzer, Maria Schneider and Flavio Boltro.
In the summer of 2000 Tony returned to Siena Jazz and won a further scholarship to represent Siena Jazz, and Italy, at the 12th International Meeting of I.A.S.J (International Associations of Schools of Jazz) at the Berklee College of Music in Boston in 2001.
Following this, he played with the Roy Paci & Aretuska group for three years, touring and playing at high-profile festivals in Italy and abroad.
Between 2002 and 2003 he played and recorded with various groups of light and alternative music.
Tony Cattano, nato ad Augusta (SR), attualmente vive a Livorno. Ha inciso con diversi artisti e gruppi di musica leggera ed alternativa ed ha suonato con musicisti del calibro di George Gruntz, Bob Mintzer, Maria Schneider, Kenny Wheeler, Tony Scott, Gianluca Petrella, Dave Liebman, Marco Tamburini, Pietro Tonolo e molti altri.
E’ socio fondatore del collettivo musicale “Franco Ferguson”, realtà che da anni si muove nell’ambito della ricerca improvvisativa jazzistica creando eventi ed incontri, sia concertistici che discografici, inglobando musicisti da varie parti d’Italia.
Venerdì 30 Agosto ore 21 – Parco Conservatorio Santa Elisabetta ( Via del Pretorio, Barga) – Ingresso €10
Info e prenotazioni: TEL. 0583723860 – –