The AristoEmporium is no more – v 3.0

The AristoEmporium is no more

The AristoEmporium opened its doors to the public in May 2021 in the middle of the second year of the pandemic when at that time many shops and businesses were shutting or even closing down for good.

The morning that the ribbon was cut at the opening ceremony (article here), there were some enthusiasm and positive feelings about as a completely new business venture was opened up in Barga Vecchia.

The Togneri family, who run the famous Da Aristo’s bar opened up almost along side another business – The AristoEmporium

What was once a hardware store, then a studio and occasionally a clothes store had then been  restored and kept in harmony with the Florentine style of BargaVecchia.




Unfortunately this morning a brief note on facebook from Antonella Conti told the Barga public that The AristoEmporium is now longer in business.

Con rammarico, si informa la gentile clientela che,
nonostante le soddisfazioni commerciali e l’apprezzamento riscontrato, a causa di mutate condizioni familiari e di salute personale, dal 1° gennaio 2023, AristoEmporium ha cessato l’attività. Vi ringraziamo tutti per la stima e l’affetto che ci avete dimostrato durante questa bella “avventura” – Antonella Conti

With regret, we inform our kind customers that despite the commercial satisfactions and the appreciation encountered, due to changed family conditions and personal health, from 1 January 2023, AristoEmporium ceased its activity.

We thank you all for the esteem and affection you have shown us during this beautiful “adventure”.

Sad news indeed but we can console ourselves with the fact that the Da Aristo bar next door continues to be the unofficial cultural centre of Barga Vecchia and will remain open.