Friday, April 22, 2005

Strabacco and Rhazckal at Valle Verde

A new musical venue has started to appear on the local music radar ... further down the valley from Barga at Valle Verde, Piano della Rocca.

There have been a few Barga musicians playing in the restaurant every thursday night.... Jack's Pack, Rizzardi and Rhazckal and this evening another Barga Duo; Strabacco with the able help of the keyboard wizard Rhazckal were added to the growing list.

Word is gradually trickling out around the valley that the place to be on thursday night for some serious music is in the restaurant on the way to Borgo a Mozzano. Seen sitting in the audience this evening were other musicians from the area. The word is out!

Full article, more images and a small MP3 file here



At 6:29 PM, caio said...

non posso fare altro che fare i miei complimenti a questi tre "artisti". di cose su cui ridire ce ne sarebbero molti, a partire dai vari piccoli errori, ma nell'insieme della serata, complimenti. veramente bravi. comunque questo non cambia il mio giudizio sui vari blog. forse sarebbe meglio vi dedicaste solo alla musica e smetteste di scrivere.


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