Monday, June 06, 2005

Knickers, Paintings, Samba Drummers and Blues

Well its not that often that you read a headline like that on barganews is it ?

So where have we been the last couple of days and what is all this about knickers, samba and blues?

The last few days there have been no articles on barganews as we have been recovering from "The Mutande of Barga" exhibition at the Altana restaurant at Porta Reale in Barga Vecchia.

An exhibition of 15 large oil paintings all with their subject; mutande - the underwear that are everywhere, shouting out our secrets from clotheslines and drying racks strung in full sight on nearly every home in Barga.

The exhibition was officially opened by Gabriele Giovannetti with the help of an inspiring opening speech by Graziella Cosimini who also read out an article written by Frank Viviano on the subject of the Mutande in Barga

The full article and more images of the paintings in the Altana are here

The exhibition carried on and flowed out into the piazza until midnight with the help of the Artemisia Samba Drummers who dazzled the large and enthusiastic audience with a couple of brief but stunning sets of their Brazilian/Cuban Samba mix of rhythms.

The full article and more images of the Artemisia Drummers are here

The evening was brought to a close with the home grown sound of the Barga Blues Band - Jack's Pack who playing to a home crowd just let it all go and played their hearts out.

The summer season is off to a great start!

The full article and more images of Jacks Pack Blues Band in Action are here



At 5:36 PM, Artemisia Barga said...

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At 5:41 PM, Artemisia Barga said...

We also had a fantastic time bringing you the sambistas live in Barga Vecchia! We'd like to thank our friends at Al Benefizio (and their neighbours!) for allowing us to move our daily rehearsals up to their poolside beauty spot. Artemisia Holidays hopes to bring you more of the same this September (but will there be more knickers, we wonder?) and we also plan to hold beginners' classes in Barga in July and August. Contact for details or to register your interest. Lorraine and Joe


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