Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Moving Mountains part 4 - Adam J. Shardlow

The fourth part of the continuing story by Adam J Sharlow of his move to Barga and coming to terms with his new lifestyle.

The rain pummelled the roof of the car and covered the road in a blanket of water that reflected the head lamps back at us. The window wipers were almost useless against the heavy splashes and merely helped to obscure the view. Lightening flashed behind the mountain giving us a brief glimpse of the territory before all returned to darkness. The tail lights of the car in front disappeared behind the outcrop of rock leaving me nothing to follow before reappearing around the next bend, highlighting the course of the careering road.

We had been delayed by several hours due to British air traffic control going down for the morning and should already have been in Barga, perhaps sitting down to well earned pasta and vino. My stomach growled to remind me I hadn’t eaten since lunch and that if we did not make good time the restaurants would all be closed, leaving us nothing to eat apart from some warm cereal bars until breakfast.
The plane had touched down in sun and warmth, but as we drove north the sun became obscured by clouds and as darkness set in there was an ominous rumble of thunder. Now driving along the floor of the valley, following the River Serchio we were in the thick of it, driving tired and almost blind.

The rest of this month's story is here enjoy ... more to come next month.


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