Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Writer drives 50cc Ape from Barga to Utrecht Holland

Yesterday I met up and spent an hour or so talking with a Dutch writer, Miriam Goudappel, who was staying at the Casa Giardino - the Bed and Breakfast run by Allan and Candy Turner-West

She was in Barga for a brief "pitstop" on her long journey north. Miriam took me out to the carpark to admire her latest acquisition, a brand new bright Ferrari red 50 cc Ape which she had just taken possession of directly from the Piaggio factory at Pontedera.

She is intending to take the ape, powered by its single cylinder 50 cc engine, for a spin..... well, in fact she is intending to take it home ... to Holland ! ... to Utrecht, more than 2000 kms north to be precise.

No radio, no tape player, no CD or MP3 player to interrupt her thought patterns as she winds her way slowly north. She is writing a book on philosophy and decided that the cockpit of the tiny Ape would be the perfect place in which to be alone and think while she gradually drives up through Europe. Intending to drive for only short bursts, she has given herself 40 days to get from Barga to Utrecht.

Full article and more images here



At 2:18 PM, RAWCUT said...

Delightful story! What an adventure! Goodluck and Bon Voyage.

At 1:12 AM, robin alting said...

Hoi Miriam,

Wat een gedoe om hier even snel een berichtje achter te laten, inloggen , account aanmaken etc maar goed ik hoop dat het gelukt is want je kan hier nl niet als onbekende een stukje achter laten.
Leuk zeg om op deze manier in de publiciteit te komen, en met leuke foto's erbij. Ik hoop dat deze reis je een hoop leuke ontmoetingen brengt en dat je veel inspiratie op zal doen.
Ik vind het echt stoer dat je dit avontuur bent begonnen en hoop dat je de kracht hebt om het tot een goed eind te brengen.
Veel succes en ik duim voor je !!!!!


At 12:02 AM, doggybag said...

hi keane, the search for a working internetcomputer became a quest in itself; i always seemed to arrive at places at the closing day of the libraries; finally i found an internetcafe open in Callas the other day, but the computer was pre-historic. the link didn't work, but probably that wasn't due to the computer's age, for now i still cannot get through.

never mind, i'm still on the road, and very slowly as it is-since the roads in france are a lot steeper than expected.

i won't have time to do a log, but whenever i get to the net, i'll update my whereabouts. so i 'll only leave a blank trail

the roads i have travelled from barga:

pte di catagnana-castelvecchio pascoli-castelnuovo di garf.-sillicagnana-san romano in garf.-giuncugnano varliano- metra- codiponte- gassano- rometta- aulla- la spezia-riomaggiore- levanto- p.so d. Bracco-(ss1)sestri levante- genova- celle ligure- albisola -(n.334)-san giovanni-pontinvrea-mioglia- dego -(n.28bis) millesimo-n.28 nucetto- garessio- ormea- ponte de nava- colle di nava (934 m.!)-pieve di teco- imperia- san remo- ventimiglia----menton-nice- biot- valbonne- grasse- callian- seillant- claviers- callas- chateaudouble- ampus- tourtour- aups- amphoux- tavernes- riants- jouques- meyrargues- pertuis

and that's where i am now!

ciao! miriam


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